
About Lady Elwing
Webmistress of MofG

My LOTR Review at TOR.Net

Contact : ladyelwing@coruscant.net

I became a LOTR fan when I was about 10 years old. My sister was throwing away some books and I decided to paw through them a bit. On the top was a strange-looking book entitled "The Two Towers". It had trees on the cover, so naturally (being a tree-lover) I decided to read it. At first I was confused...what was this Strider person running around for and who was "Frodo". The thing that hit me most, however, was the death of Boromir. That is what kept me reading...who was this noble man whom even the orcs called "the great warrier"?

Of course we all know that TT ends in a cliffhanger...I've never ran so fast to the Library in my entire life. And of course it wasn't in so I had to wait a week (such torment)! I ate up RotK...oblivious to the outside world. Immediately I went for FoftheR. Boromir was in it more, though I recall falling for Glorf. more - oh well...I was young...elf-lords had an appeal...:)

I've now shot up to Tolkien fan level 9 or 10 ....read the Sill. many times...read literally everything Tollers ever wrote... and what his friends did (IE CS Lewis). He introduced me to Tolstoy (love that author, "confessions" was excellent). Anyways when I initially heard that someone was making a movie of it I was horrified...why deny it...Tolkien wrote in his letters that he did not want it made into a movie...when the first reports came trickling in it seemed my fears were well-founded. Lothlorien ruined (it was), Arwen's character combined with Eowyn's (thank goodness not), Glorf. was cut from the film (unfortunately yes). And worst of all - no barrow downs.

I decided to go anyways. So I got in costume and got in my line three or four hours early for the first showing of LOTR. It was hugely fun to talk to other fans in line, (and during the previews), when the "Feature Presentation" came up the theatre was silenced. A voice started "The world is changed...I feel it in the water....I feel it in the earth....I smell it...in the air" shivers ran up and down my spine and I knew this was going to be the finest movie ever made. I was on the edge of my seat with breathless excitement. Then Boromir came. All I could do was gasp. The power, majesty, and pride of Numenor and Gondor stood before me on the screen. I couldn't take my eyes off him the entire time! I went straight home and read the books again. Boromir's character seemed to leap to life out of the pages. I was doomed. He is the most incredible character ever devised by an author in the history of the world.

What LoTR Character Are You?

Okay this is scary, I did the LOTR character thing,
and I came up as my arch enemy that RANGER!
AUGH! Now that I think about it though, I am
personally more like a ranger...I'm always the
somewhat intellectual somewhat warlike
person in the corner with a book or something!