Boromir was named after the eleventh steward of Gondor - a great warrior and one of its mightiest captains. The name is of mixed Quenya and Sindarian form, and translates as 'Jewel-of-War' or 'Steadfast-Jewel' or even 'Jeweled Hand' depending on who you ask.
Boromir was the eldest son of 26th Steward of Gondor Denethor II. He had a younger brother of five years, Faramir. His mother was Finduilas daughter of Prince Adrahil of Dol Amroth, a noble house of southern Gondor of Numenorean blood, reputed to also have Elven-blood from ancient days: the Elven-folk of Amroth of Lorien dwelt in the region of Dol Amroth before they sailed over sea. Denethor married her later in life, 2976 to be exact and Boromir was born in 2978. (Around the time when Aragorn & Arwen fell in love of all things but that really doesn't have anything to do with Boromir).
His mother grew more and more meloncholy, missing the sea and growing lonely in the great cold stone city of Minas Tirith. She longed for the surf and the spray in the air. Little by little her sadness grew until she died in 2987 when Boromir was nine years old. This must have had a great impression on him, especially since his father became even more reclusive than ever, not leaving the tower of Ecthelion or even looking out on the walls. At this time, Boromir had probably begun his war training, but his younger brother Faramir was not even five at the time and might have felt the shock of his mother's death more keenly. It is hard to say if Boromir spoke about it, but Faramir must have urged him to talk of her later on, as he would not have any memory of her as Boromir did.
Not much is known of his "tweens" as hobbits call the irresponsible age between the twenties and coming of age at 33. All we know is that he became a tall and handsome Captain of the armies of Gondor and was a brave and honourable warrior, delighting chiefly in battle and trials of arms, and was much esteemed for these qualities at Minas Tirith.