The title "Ruling Steward" is the name given in the lore of Gondor to the family of the house of Hurin (Hurinionath), hereditary Stewards of Gondor, who themselves ruled the South-Kingdom from 2050-3019 Third Age after the failing of the Line of Anarion and before the restoration of the Line of Elendil (by Aragorn II). They were ultimately of royal origin, (being of the elellyn who fled Numenor in nine great ships) and had kept their blood more pure than most other families in the later ages. They were descended from Hurin, Steward to King Minardil (of the line of Anarion). From that time on the kings chose their steward from this family, though a son did not necessarily succeed a father. The Stewards belonged usually used the Noldorin tongue after the fashion of Gondor. Their official names (after Mardil who still used the Quenyan tongue) were of that tongue drawn mostly from the ancient legends of the Noldor.
All the time of the Stewards was one of slow dwindling and waning both of the power and numbers of the Men of Gondor and the life-span of those even of the purer blood steadily decreased. They were never free from war with the evil that dwelt in Minas Morgul (once Ithil). They counted it a glory and success to hold that threat at bay. Osgiliath became a ruin, often taken and retaken in many battles. But for Minas Tirith the power of Mordor would have grown great and spread over the Anduin into the westlands.
Although none of the Ruling Stewards at any time claimed the Throne for the House of Hurin, after many years their formal Oath of Office - in which they swore to rule 'until the King shall return' - ceased to carry other than a symbolic meaning, and they acted as Kings in all but name, carrying a white rod, symbolizing their rule. Their dynastic banner - a plain standard of silver(or white) with no device or distinguishing emblem - flew from the White Tower where the White Tree of Elendil had fluttered, and the Stewardship passed from father to eldest son in the manner of kingly houses. The Heir of the Ruling Steward was habitually accorded the rank of Captain of the Host of Gondor, and as a token of his rank to come bore the chief heirloom of the House: a wild ox-horn worked with silver made by Vorondil.
Basic knowledge of the kings is as follows: all the kings were descendants of Anarion - brother of Isildur. This can be confusing since many consider Aragorn as the heir of the throne of Gondor. He actually is not, he would technically rule Arnor, Ithilien, and part of Osgiliath which makes it so ironic that he takes Minas Tirith away from Faramir and does a kingdom switch on him by handing him Ithilien.
In 3319 Second Age the Elf-friends of Numenor left led by Elendil and his sons Isildur & Anarion in 9 great ships bringing the Plantiri (Gifts of the Eldar) and a seedling of the White Tree. In 3441 Osgiliath, Gondor, and Arnor were founded. After the Last Alliance Isildur took Elendil's place in the north kingdom and Meneldil took his father Anarion's place in Gondor (he was the fourth child). In 1500 TA King Minardil (25 king) began the tradition of Stewardship with Hurin. Later in 1899 Third Age the thirtieth King of Gondor, Kalimehtar built the famous White Tower in Minas Anor and moved his court to that city. Earnil II had as his steward Vorondil father of Mardil. Earnil's son Earnur was the last king of Gondor, rashly entering Minas Morgul and was never seen again.
Pelendur 1944-1945
Lived 119 years
Pel - private(Sind) to go(Quenya)
en - of(Sind) again(Quenya)
dur - sombre mood(Sind) rule(Quenya)
Arguably the first Ruling Steward of Gondor, he took over the rule during the Kin Strife. He was steward to King Ondohir and advised the rejection of the claim of Arvedui, supporting the claim of Earnil who became king in 1945 after the war. Ondohir and his two sons, Faramir and Artamir, were slain in 1944. Peledur ruled for two years until late in 1945 he crowned Earnil, a descendant of a previous king. Pelendur died in 1998.
1) Mardil Vronwe 2029-2080
Lived 120 years
mar- to abide(Quenya)
-dil friend or lover(Quenya) Stopper/Stopping(Sind)
Vronwe : Son of Vorondil
(Great hunter who made a horn of the wild oxen of Araw
later carried by each of the Steward's heirs )
AKA: The Good Steward/The Steadfast
During his Stewardship, he attempted to restrain
the King Earnur from accepting a challenge to battle
the Lord of the Ringwraiths to make good his claim to
the throne. In the year 2050, against the counsel of Mardil
he accepted. He rode with a small escort of knights to Minas Morgul, but neither he nor his company was ever heard from again. Since his death was not certain Mardil ruled Gondor in his name for many years, for no descendents of the royal line could be found. He is also remembered for introducing (in 2060, the tenth year of his rule) a series of minor innovations to the Kings' Reckoning calendar system then in use among the Dunedain and other peoples of the Westlands - whereby a longstanding deficit of years was restored. This revised calendar became known as "Stewards' Reckoning" and, like its forerunner, it was eventually adopted by most of the Westron-speaking folk of Middle Earth.
Related Events
Minas Ithil is retaken and named "Minas Morgul" and
Minas Anor is renamed "Minas Tirith". The Balrog reapeared in Moria during this time, reawakened by the Dwarrows mining. The language of Quenya begins to be forgotten in Gondor. The White Tree begins to wane, each year its blossom grew less as it slowly aged.
2) Eradan 2080-2116
Lived 117 Years
er - alone, one (Quenya)
-adan man (Quenya)
Watchful Peace begins. For there was long quiet,
but no certainty. Ringwraiths return in secret.
3) Herion 2116-2148
Lived 111 Years
-her lord(Quenya)
- ion son(Sind)
Watchful Peace continues.
4) Belegorn 2148-2204
Lived 130 Years
beleg -mighty(Quenya)
orn -tree(Quenya/Sind)
His name was originally Bardhnan, then he changed it
to Belgorn/Belegorn. Watchful Peace continues.
5) Hurin I 2204-2244
Lived 120 Years
hûr -readiness for action, vigour, fiery spirit (Sind)
in - of (Quenya)
Watchful Peace continues.
6) Turin I 2244-2278
Lived 113 Years
tûr -mastery, victory (Sind)
in - of (Quenya)
He was the third child of Hurin. He was wedded twice and had several children (a thing already rare and remarkable among the nobles of Gondor); but only the last, a child born in his old age, was a son. Watchful Peace continues.
7) Hador 2278-2395
Lived 150 Years
had - to hurl (Sind)
or - high, lofty(Q) above, over(S)
The last recorded Man of Gondor to reach such an age.
After this time the life-span of Numenorian blood waned more rapidly. There is a question whether his name was not Cerion, and later the two Stewards names(7 & 12) were reversed. He made the final correction to the (slightly imperfect) Stewards' Reckoning system of calendar computation, adding one day to the year 2360 to repair a minor accumulated deficit. Watchful Peace continues.
Related Events:
Elrond wedded to Celebrian, birth of Elladan, Elrohir, & Arwen.
8) Barahir 2395-2412
Lived 122 Years
bara 1. fiery 2. eager (Sind)
hîr master, lord (Sind)
Watchful Peace continues.
9) Dior 2412-2435
Lived 2328 Years
di - prefix beneath, under (Sind)
or - high, lofty(Q) above, over(S)
iôr -course, direction (Sind)
He was childless and was succeeded by the son of
his sister Rian. Watchful Peace continues.
10) Denethor I 2435-2477
Lived 102 Years
dene - unknown
thôr - swooping/Eagle (Sind)
His rule marks the end of the Watchful Peace, for great troubles arose in his day. The Morgul-lords having bred in secret a fell race of black Orcs or "Urks" in Mordor. They assailed Ithilien and overran it, and captured Osgiliath, destroying its renowned stone-bridge. Denethor was the son of Dior's sister Rian.
11) Boromir I 2477-2489/2499
Lived 89/79 Years
bor - Debated: Steadfast / Trustworthy in War or "Hand" is commonly thought
o - is (Sind)
mir - Jewel (Sind/Quenya)
aka: Mightiest Captain
Boromir was the third child of Denethor I. He gained a glorious victory when he defeated the host of Morgul in 2475 and recovered Ithilien for a while, but little by little it was deserted by its people until all that was left was a small military presence. Boromir's death was hastened by wounds got in the war received from the poisened weapons of Morgul.
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12) Cirion 2489-2567
Lived 118 Years
cirion - shipman, sailor (Sind)
aka: Hador (Names accidentally switched)
It was during his long Stewardship that Gondor was threatened by the Easterlings known as the Balchoth, who dwelt at that time south and east of Mirkwood. Fearing invasion, Cirion sent north for aid from the Horsemen of Eotheod, northern folk friendly to Gondor. Before his messages could arrive, however, the Balchoth swarmed across the Great River and began to pillage the northern province of Calenardhon. Cirion dispatched the Northern Army of Gondor to hold the invaders, but disaster struck and the Dunedain were soon in desperate straits.
They were assaulted by a host of Orcs of the Misty Mountains and forced towards the Anduin. All hope seemed lost when the sound of "great horns of the North wildly blowing" was first heard in Gondor: Eorl the Young of Eotheod, had answered an earlier summons for aid, late though it seemed. His Riders broke like a storm on the flanks and rear of the Balchoth and harried them to the death across the deserted fields of Calenardhon, the northern province of Gondor they had so often raided prior to the invasion. In his wisdom, Cirion chose to repay the Riders of Eotheod by granting them the province they had saved (in exchange for an Oath of Alliance). The riders renamed the region "Riddermark/Rochann" although it became known to Gondor as "Rohan" - a free country but in perpetual alliance with the Stewards of Gondor.
Related Events
In 2509 Celebrian, wife of Elrond, was captured and tormented by Orcs.
She was rescued, but refused to remain in Middle Earth and departed to the Havens.
13) Hallas 2567-2605
Lived 125 Years
hallas - Long-leaf (Sind)
Related Events
2569 the Golden Hall of Beduseld is built by Brego son of Eorl. In 2570 Baldor son of Brego takes a rash vow to enter the Forbidden Door in Dunharrow, and is never seen again until he is found dead in 3019 by Aragorn II.
14) Hurin II 2605-2628
Lived 113 Years
hûr -readiness for action, vigour, fiery spirit (Sind)
in - of (Quenya)
15) Belecthor I 2628-2655
Lived 110 Years
bell - Debated: strong in body commony interpreted(Sind)
thôr - swooping/Eagle (Sind)
16) Orodreth 2655-2685
Lived 109 Years
oro - high, lofty, above (Sind/Quenya)
dreth - unknown
17) Ecthelion I 2685-2698
Lived 98 Years
ecthel -point of spear (Sind)
ion - masc. son (Sind)
He repaired and rebuilt the high White Tower of the Citadel in the city of Minas Tirith (originally built by King Kalimehtar),
which was afterwards often called Ecthelion's Tower or the Tower of Ecthelion.
He had no children and was followed by the grandson of
Morwen (sister of Orodreth).
18) Egalmoth 2698-2743
Lived 117 Years
êg - thorn (Sind)
al - no, not (Sind)
moth - unknown
He was the son of Morwen, Orodreth's sister. During his reign the Orcs renewed
their invasions of Eriador, and the Great Orc Wars break out all over Middle Earth.
19) Beren 2743-2763
Lived 108 Years
beren - bold (Sind)
He was the father of Beregond, chief war-captain of the day. It was Beren who gave the keys of Isengard - then an ancient but deserted fortress of Gondor - to Saruman the Wise, thinking to have the great Wizard's aid in defending the northern provinces and allied territories (especially Rohan, gravely weakened by invasion, hardship, and famine). In his time there was a renewed attack on Gondor by the pirates of Umbar (2758), a great attack by three fleets of ships - all the coasts were invaded. Gondor received no help from Rohan, who was being invaded from the North-east and West. The Long Winter came in 2758-2759 and Rohan lay for five months under snow and the Rohirrim took refuge in Helm's Deep. At this time Saruman came to Orthanc.
20) Beregond 2763-2811
Lived 111 Years
bere - unknown
gond - great stone, rock (Sind)
aka: Baragond / Chief War-Captain
He was the the third son of Beren, and in his time the War of the Dwarrows & Orcs occurred. He was one of the mightiest soldiers of Gondor's history: in 2758-2759, while still heir to the Stewardship, he defeated a long-prepared attack by the Corsairs of Umbar and simultaneously sent aid to Rohan, which was then suffering grievously from the effects of the Long Winter and Dunlending invasion. During his reign many Orcs flying south were slain by the Gondorians and prevented from establishing themselves in the White Mountains.
21) Belecthor II 2811-2872
Lived 120 Years
bell - Debated: strong in body (Sind)
thôr - swooping/Eagle (Sind)
He was an only child, late-born, of Beregond. The last of his line to pass the age of 100 years.
At his death the White Tree finally died ominously in the citadel, no sapling could then be found to replace it. The dead Tree was left standing 'until the King come'.
Related Events
Gandalf discovers that Sauron has returned in Dol Guldur, and urges the council to assail the place at once, but is put down by Saruman who fortifies Isengard and begins
his search for the One Ring.
22) Thorondir 2872-2882
Lived 100 Years
thôr - swooping/Eagle (Sind)
dîr - man (Sind)
Ithilien becomes desolate, untilled, and the last remnant
of its people
remove west over the Anduin to Lossarnach and Lebinnin.
23) Turin II 2882-2914
Lived 99 Years
tûr -mastery, victory (Sind)
in - of (Quenya)
Ithilien becomes wild and infested by Mordor-orcs. But Gondor makes and keeps up secret strongholds there, especially in North Ithilien. Turin was a farsighted strategian of his day. Early in his rule he received a warning that the Haradrim, traditional foes of the Dunedain, were again planning an invasion of South Ithilien; accordingly Turin invoked the alliance between his people and the Riders of Rohan, sending the Red Arrow, most urgent token of war, to King Folcwine in Edoras. The aid sent by Folcwine enabled Turin to defeat the invaders at the fords of the river Poros (2885). Unfortunately the sons of King Folcwine of Rohan (Folcred & Fastred) fell in this battle. Some years afterwards Turin perceived that Ithilien was becoming untenable, due to the growing strength of Mordor; he therefore ordered built the secret refuges of the province, and rebuilt the ancient refuge of Henneth Annuin. At the same time he fortified the west bank of the Anduin, including the isle of Cair Andros, which guarded the province of Anorien. These farsighted fortifications were of great value to the Dunedain a century later during the War of the Ring.
Related Events
The White Council drives Sauron out of Dol Guldur
and the Battle of the Five Armies is fought in Dale (2940).
Theoden son of Thengel king of Rohan is born in 2948.
24) Turgon 2914-2953
Lived 98 Years
tûr -mastery, victory (Sind)
gon - unknown
In the last year / two years of his rule (this point is debated among scholars), Sauron declared himself again, and re-entered Mordor, long prepared for him by the Ringwraiths. Barad-dur rose again and Mt Orodruin bursts into smoke and flame (2954).
Related Events
Arathorn, son of Arador weds Gilrain daughter of Dirhael in 2929, and a son is born to them in 2931 (Aragorn). Arathorn is slain by orcs in 2933 and Elrond takes in Aragorn. Shortly after Turgon's death Sauron's ascendant rival, Saruman the White, also rose to power, taking Isengard (which had been granted to him for a fee by Turgon's ancestor Beren) for his own.
25) Ecthelion II 2953-2984
Lived 98 Years
ecthel -point of spear (Sind)
ion - masc. son (Sind)
Because of Gondor's growing need for men of worth, he initiated the practice of taking foreigners into his service - and some he rewarded with great honour. He was visited by Mithrandir to whom he was friendly, and Aragorn served as an warrier in his forces in another guise. Ecthelion strengthened Pelargir again, and refortified Cair Andros.
Related Events
Aragorn and Arwen fall in love in Lorien and Theoden becomes King of Rohan (2980).
26) Denethor II 2984-3019
Lived 89 Years
dene - unknown
thôr - swooping/Eagle (Sind)
He was the first son and third child of Ecthelion and more learned in lore than any Steward for many generations. He was very tall and in appearance looked like an ancient Numenorean. Being possessed of the foresight of his race, Denethor perceived early in his rule that the final assault of Mordor would come in his time. Therefore, he kept his own counsel in most matters. Unfortunately, the power of Gondor was so diminished by the time he came to the Stewardship that he could do little more than watch, wait, and ocasionally harass the Harad Road to prevent Southron forces marching north to swell Sauron's power. In 2976, this proud and lonely man married the Lady Finduilas, daughter of Adrahil, Prince of Dol Amroth. But her heart grew sad in the great stone city of Minas Tirith, far from the sea she loved, and she died eleven years later in 2987, having borne Denethor two sons: Boromir and Faramir. With her passing, the Steward grew ever more withdrawn.
In 3018 midsummer the Ringwraiths issued once more
from Minas Morgul. The sons of Denethor resisted them, but were defeated by the Black Captain and retreated over the Anduin. Boromir departed for Imladris soon after on a mission to seek the counsel of Elrond and was killed a short time afterward. In his desperation, Denethor decided to use the plantir (seeingstone) of the Tower, to gain intelligence concerning the Enemy's moves against Gondor. The Dark Lord was able to direct the visions shown in the stone: thus Denethor was fed endless images of the power of Mordor opposed to him. In the end this broke his mind, it caused deep depression, followed by madness. It ended with his burning himself alive in the Houses of the Dead as the armies of Mordor surrounded the city.
Related Events
Eomer (2993) and Eowyn (2996) born of Theodwyn sister of Theoden in Rohan.
3019 the War of the Ring begins. See the Red Book for more information.
27) Faramir 3019-3020
Lived 120 Years
fara - to hunt (Sind)
mir - Jewel (Sind/Quenya)
NOTE: Possibly named after the son of
King Ondohir - third to last king of Gondor.
Faramir was the youngest of the two sons of Denethor, his brother having been slain in the war, Faramir became Ruling Steward in late 3019 after the death of his father, Denethor II. He was very ill at the time, suffering from the "Black Breath", an ailment caused by the Nazgul. There in the houses of healing he first met the Lady Eowyn, of Rohan, whom he later married in 2030 SR. Faramir's chief duties as Steward were preparing for the return of the King. Aragorn II, heir of Isildur was finally coming to reclaim the throne. Nevertheless, Faramir did rule as the last Steward of Gondor for several months, after which he surrendered his rod and rule to King Elessar (Aragorn II) in 2020 SR, but still retained the title of Steward, and was granted Princedom of Ithilien, dwelling in the Hills of Emyn Arnen beside the Anduin. His gardens were designed by the Elf Legolas and were renowned throughout the realm.
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